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Freya supports the official Dioxus Router, which means you can declare different pages for your app. The only difference is that you will need to use Freya’s custom Link
fn app() -> Element {
/// We place the router renderer in the root component
rsx!(Router::<Route> {})
// Declare your Routes tree as an enum
// Every route must have a component with the same name
// So for example, `Home` needs to have a `fn Home(...` component
// the `Routable` macro will pick it up automatically
// so it must be in the scope.
#[derive(Routable, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Route {
PageNotFound { }, // Handle 404 routes.
// This component is used as container for the router (as it was marked with `#[layout(AppSidebar)]`), which means
// That we can render something here that will be rendered no matter what route you are in
// Useful for navigation bars.
fn AppSidebar() -> Element {
Body {
Link {
// Specify to what destination you want this Link you point when clicking.
to: Route::Home,
label {
Link {
to: Route::Other,
label {
rect {
main_align: "center",
cross_align: "center",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
// This is the place where the routes content will actually be showed.
Outlet::<Route> { }
fn Home() -> Element {
label {
"Home Page"
fn Other() -> Element {
label {
"Other Page"
fn PageNotFound() -> Element {
label {
- Native Router