Module freya::_docs::state_management::signals
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Signals are a state management solution built-in into Dioxus. They are simple reactive value containers that simplify the mutation and reading of state, even across components.
They are usually created by using the use_signal
fn app() -> Element {
let mut count = use_signal(|| 0);
// The closure passed to `use_signal` will be called only
// the first time this component renders,
// it will return the initial value for the Signal.
// This closure is to prevent having to create the initial value
// every time the component runs again, as it is only needed the first time.
let onclick = move |_| {
count += 1; // Shorthand for count.write() += 1;
// The moment the signal is mutated it will notify
// all the components that have a read subscription
// to this signal (in this case, only `app`)
// that there has been a change.
// When that happens they will renders again
// and thus producing the new UI.
label {
// Because the signal is being read here,
// everytime that it gets mutated, this component
// will rerender as it has a read subscription.
// "{count}" is the same as using "{}".